News — libido
Why Should Men at All Ages Use Vitamin D3?
Posted by Vita Premium on
Men who want to improve their health over the short term and also guard against serious health issues down the line, including heart attacks, will greatly benefit from using vitamin D3. It's the form of vitamin D which is easiest for the body to absorb. It's a better choice than vitamin D2, which is more difficult for the body to absorb! Today, we're going to share just a few of the many advantages of this important vitamin. Once you've learned about it, you may want to add it your daily health care regimen. Lots of pure and effective supplements...
Infertility: The Root That Could Make You Pregnant
Posted by Vita Premium on
Over the past years an increased number of women are delaying motherhood to become established in careers, resulting in an increased number of women seen by doctors each year for infertility issues. Now the ancient root vegetable, Maca may be the answer to increased fertility and healthier babies. A Growing Problem Recent numbers show infertility affects 7.5 million women only in the U.S. from ages 15-44. The is a staggering number and not only does it affect women, but also men. The inability to conceive riddles couples with guilt, and blame. Oftentimes it is just one partner who...